01 Prototyping Process
The sale success of all products depends on thorough and a well-planned product development procedure, which essential part is making prototypes.
Do you want your sale of products be successful? Do you want to reduce the amount of products returned by clients? Do you like to have your product quality equal with internationally known brands?
Experience that can support your knowledge:
02 The Sample Collection Process
Every Baltic Intertex client has certain wishes and intentions for which they need samples. With the weighted number of samples, you reach the best result!
In case even one of the questions made you think for a moment we suggest becoming familiar with the information as follows.

03 The Production Process
When you have a well-developed sample collection, the aspects of successful sale depend on high-quality production manufactured by the due date.
If you happen to think about any of the questions for a moment then you are welcome to contact Baltic Intertex. Let us make the end consumer of your brand happy together!
04 The Logistical Process Management
When your production is ready but the delivery is delayed, it does not make you, the end consumer, or us happy!
If you see something familiar on this list it would be reasonable to give up your logistics and delegate all issues connected with transport to Baltic Intertex.