…just in case, because you never know when you’ll need it
I am pleased to say that environmental sustainability has been my manner of thought since my childhood. My dear grandmother, whom we affectionately called Memm, and who had survived all horrors of war, taught me to avoid a lavish and wasteful lifestyle when I was a small child. She didn’t collect anything “just in case, because you never know when you’ll need it“, but she owned items that had intrinsic value.
I can clearly recall those happy days when Memm went to the attic and took down old suitcases full of clothes. Oh, what garments they contained! I could dig in the suitcases for hours, tried the clothes on, spinning in front of the mirror, and imagined being in all sorts of situations and roles. Memm was always watching my fashion show, a smile on her face, and when I asked, she told me stories about these garments. But she also looked at these clothes thinking how to give them a new life, and what wonderful things she could sew from them for her grandchildren.

Each step on our long journey helps to get closer to the final goal
Today, the phrase “Less is more” is popular, meaning that sustainability has once again become a topical issue and seems to be “stuck” in the loop of history, but this time we look at it from a different perspective. The more we become aware of the size of the ecological footprint of our personal and business activities, the better is the world we pass on to our children.
Although Baltic Intertex can’t have a say in the basic principles of sustainability in the production process of fabrics or accessories, we plan our company’s activities with sustainability in mind. There are a number of simple executable activities that people, unfortunately, don’t think about on a daily basis, but all of which help to reduce waste, and promote sustainable thinking.
If possible, I suggest getting acquainted with the work of Mandy Barker, an international award-winning British photographer who is trying to draw people’s attention to plastic debris affecting the oceans of our planet. More information about her you can find on www.mandy-barker.com.
If we follow the idea “Each step on our long journey helps to get closer to the final goal“, we will get results, tangible and visible for everyone!

Choose Baltic Intertex as a sustainable and environmentally friendly producer for your textile collection
Here you find some simple sustainability examples of Baltic Intertex action
We ensure that the efficiency percentage of the production process layout for the models would be as high as possible
The more efficient are the production layouts, the smaller is the amount of material losses – waste that goes in the trash container. Although our company’s cutting system has got an automatic layout application, it’s sometimes possible to get better results, and save fabric and paper by doing things manually.
We make recommendations for increasing the efficiency of layouts
When compiling production layouts, we often find that it’s possible to put several models together, which significantly reduces fabric loss. Often, constructional changes to the models contribute – it doesn’t lessen the attractiveness of the products, but help to reduce fabric and paper waste.
We produce small batches
Lots of companies have high minimum production rates, which forces customers to increase their order quantities. This, however, could lead to an increase in stocks in the long run. You can order exactly the right number of models from Baltic Intertex. In case of small batches, we use extra coefficients, so we help the customer to avoid overproduction and the storage of surplus fabrics.
We offer and use deadstock fabrics
Old for some, new for others! Baltic Intertex has entered into agreements with customers with a sustainable mindset, so we can offer their leftover fabrics to other designers, so they can create their collections.
We deal with packaging recycling and reduce plastic packaging
At Baltic Intertex we know very well how much harm careless handling of plastic packaging is causing to nature. When we were visiting Fotografiska, our whole team was shaken by Mandy Parker’s photo exhibition called “Sea of Artifacts“, which increased our desire to contribute to nature as a company. We use cardboard boxes to transport goods, they can survive several shipments. When making clothes, we pack several products in one plastic bag and, if possible, use paper instead of plastic.
We support schools and kindergartens with materials suitable for creative work
We are so glad when teachers and activity leaders are eager to develop kids’ and young people’s creativity by breathing new life into our production residues.
We practise sustainable electricity consumption
This can be applied by everyone, but simple solutions are often forgotten. For example, people could make a habit of turning off the lights when they leave a room.
We sort garbage
It would be more convenient to throw production leftovers into one trash container, but it is more environmentally friendly to separate paper and fabric from household waste, and send it for either recycling or utilization. That’s what we do!
We are participating in a global fashion industry initiative called “Fashion Revolution Week #iMadeYourClothes“
We contribute to the transparency of the clothing supply chain! Why are we doing this? On the one hand, to contribute to the reliability of the manufactured clothing brands, and to increase the brand image. On the other hand, we look proudly and with joy at all end users. We are honoured to be an ethical companion on the creative path of our partners!
Let`s heal our planet together step by step!
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